News at World Mosaic

Student administration system requirements review

Sydney Australia: World Mosaic conducted a major review of statewide student administration system requirements, providing professional support to mitigate risks associated with data integration, information management and market capability. World Mosaic provides digital strategy support to education jurisdictions worldwide. To learn more about World Mosaic’s work with Government, see the link below and click ‘Continue reading’ for more information: Government Mosaic  

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Yahki celebrates first anniversary in Sweden

Stockholm Sweden: One of World Mosaic’s edtech investments, Yahki, celebrated its first anniversary in the Sweden school market, delivered through the Skolon e-store for education. Yahki is a digital learning environment for students and teachers, designed to support online collaboration, peer review and future-focused learning. Yahki links student research and inquiry with digital portfolios that showcase excellence. To find out more about World Mosaic’s investment in Yahki, see the link below and click ‘Continue reading’ for more information: Yahki education…

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WOW! STEM program for Chicago IB schools

Chicago USA: Students at James B McPherson Elementary School in Chicago showcased their WOW! local research projects. Students completed their 15-week WOW! research projects, brainstorming and framing local area research topics, key questions, hypotheses, and putting their research methodologies into action. Students maintained their research logs in the mme moe app and drafted and revised their research findings and artefacts as Yahki digital mashups and blogs they were able to share with peers and use in support of their local…

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New edtech company global strategy development

San Francisco USA: World Mosaic concluded corporate advisory work for Readable English, assisting the business to incorporate in the US. World Mosaic continued to provide strategic advice to Readable English, particularly in market development in the US, supporting Readable’s new team of education, technology and business professionals. To learn more about Word Mosaic’s services to the edtech industry, see the link below and click ‘Continue reading’ for more information: Private Mosaic  

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Digital strategy panel support

Sydney Australia: World Mosaic founder, Mark Lamont, supported Australian education leaders in their analysis of digital trends and opportunities across school education. Mosaic participated in forums which included education strategy input from Google, Microsoft, Apple and Gartner. Mosaic assisted education leaders in their consideration of digital innovation in terms of capacity, scale and efficacy. To find out more about World Mosaic’s thought leadership in edtech, go to

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International Student Administration System market scan for government

Sydney Australia: World Mosaic completed a School Administration (SA) system review (SA is also known as SIS, MIS or SMS in different markets) for one of the world’s largest Department of Education school jurisdictions. The review included a domestic and international market scan, examining trends and capabilities in the evolving cloud services sphere, also considering the differing needs of a range of school cohorts. The project was driven by the need to free up staff from tedious administration tasks to…

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HTML5 multimedia conversion R&D

Sydney Australia: World Mosaic’s software research and development team completed an interactive multimedia content conversion project, converting samples from a research-based cognitive intervention program into a more accessible HTML5 format. The project involved Chicago-based client management and software and creative design team inputs in Chennai India and Sydney Australia. To learn more about World Mosaic’s Flash-2-HTML5 conversion service, visit  

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New teacher coaching app release

Perth Australia: One of World Mosaic’s edtech investments, mme moe, deployed its most significant software upgrade since its inception in 2015.  The new mme moe release delivered a host of user experience improvements and adds to mme moe a teacher professional learning marketplace, matching teachers willing and able to coach specific teaching skills with teachers who seek support in those skills. mme moe is a professional learning and coaching application that supports school systems seeking to move from the old…

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US K-12 reading program efficacy research

Bloomington Indiana USA: World Mosaic supported Readable English, conducting reading efficacy research across three Indiana school districts. Readable English provides a patented reading program that addresses cognitive barriers associated with early readers. World Mosaic captured, analysed and presented literacy data to assist education and industry sponsors in their decisions to expand the program’s reach. To learn more about Word Mosaic’s services to the edtech industry, see the link below and click ‘Continue reading’ for more information: Private Mosaic

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EduGrowth membership extended

Melbourne Australia: World Mosaic extended its membership in EduGrowth, a not-for-profit organisation that “connects and collaborates to accelerate Australia’s education technology and innovation ecosystem globally.” Through EduGrowth, World Mosaic supports Australia’s growing edtech industry and the opportunity to expand Australian edtech exports. To learn more about World Mosaic’s partnerships in edtech, CLICK HERE.

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